Random Note Ear Trainer

This is a looping random note generator designed to facilitate musical exercises. As a warning, it's not designed to sound pleasing! There are many ways to use and configure this tool, but the use case that led to the default settings is as follows:

With your instrument in hand, listen to the random patterns, and try to match the notes before the pattern advances. Adjust values for difficulty.

The goal is to connect what you hear to what your hands can replicate. By generating intervals at random, this tool attempts to expose the listener to unusual relationships between notes, break free of any habits or "licks" that might limit creativity, and ensure hand muscles are diversely exercised.

Pattern Duration
Notes Per Pattern
Allow Duplicate Successive Notes
Loop Pattern
Forever Mode
Auto Advances Pattern
Number of Loops
Req: Loop Pattern
Min Random Range
Half steps from 1st note
Max Random Range
Half steps from 1st note